
Monday, February 15, 2010

Kill Kill Kill

Every single day the newspapers report of
· Violent crimes,
· High level corruption and
· Political parties conflicts.

Every single day emails are sent out highlighting on our leaders who are
· Incorrigible
· Inconsistent
· Incompetent

Every single day people are talking about
· Our traffic congestion,
· Our stupid education system and
· Our poor economy

These reports, news and talks may be true but what good it does to us the citizens of this country if it is publicised, circulated or said with chauvinistic flavour? It will only create
· More fear,
· More anger and
· More frustrations and
Finally the
· FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) will skip Malaysia
· Businessmen will move their business to China, Cambodia or Vietnam
· Our brains will leave the body and cause the body to be dead. This body, ladies and gentlemen, this body that we hold responsible for is non other than Malaysia our beloved country.

We must kill it by not
· subscribing to such newspapers,
· advertising in such newspaper and
· reading such newspaper. Which I have done.

We must kill the emails that come to our computers by
· thrashing it,
· blocking it and
· also whack the people who send you such emails by telling them to stop being a scammer. People like juicy stuff and they like to share with their friends. Imagine one person sends to 10 friends in one minute and within 5 minutes that emails would have reached 10 million. If I said our IPP is keeping a former Singapore Airline girl in Singapore and she has two sons from him. It is juicy and people tend to believe in me but the worst thing is that the news later became our IPP has two SIA girls and have one son each. Sorry Mr IPP for starting a rumour, which I know you don’t mind as we all know what is the truth. Yes you have a Singapore Airline girl in Singapore and yes you have two sons from her but she is your one and only wife.

We must stop people from talking, gossiping and rumour mongering on issues that they know nothing about.
· Tell them to use a bicycle to avoid the traffic congestion;
· Ask them, if our education is bad why are our neighbours taking our brains away?
· On economy, check with them how come a small country like ours can be the 24th largest trading nation in the world?

Ladies and Gentlemen:
· I am not here to earn a Datoship from the government.
· I am not doing this just to get recognition from the powers that be and I am not here preparing to stand for the next general.
· I am doing this for the sake of my children, for the sake of your children and for the sake of their children’s, children.

Just imagine if you are Najib our Prime Minister, and you have to deal with
· your internal party issues,
· component party issues and
· opposition party issues besides running the government and
· also manage his wife.

· Haven’t he got enough beating from the increase in Petrol price, sugar price and flour price?
· Haven’t he got enough in his hands to handle the education, economic and foreign affairs issues?
· Haven’t he got enough on his plate to handle the racial and religious problems?

Give him and his cabinet a break, the majority of us have voted for them and let them run this country without giving them further problems. If they cannot run it well we know what to do at the next general election but in the meantime, give them a chance to do their job.

With the recent events in the country most of you know about May 13 but do not know about July 1964? – it was in Singapore when two major races go for each other’s throats and innocent people were made victims and that includes yours truly.
· You may not feel the anger if you do not have friends who were injured
· You may not feel the pain if you have no relatives that were killed,
· You may not feel the bitterness if your house are not burnt
· but when you all by yourself are attacked by a group of more than 50 coward guys with weapons just because of your skin colour I get delirious. These people do not care if you are a young boy or young girl, old woman or old man, a pregnant women or a pregnant man – oops I mean a fat man; all they want is to reduce the population of your race.

YES! It happens to me and though my wounds have healed but the scars remain – it will remain there till I die. Don’t let it happen again please, as every time stupid leaders raises racial or religious issues I get very nervous – for I do not want such things to happen to any of my loved ones including you guys.

Kill all these negative reports, unsolicited news and shallow talks – please do not help to pour kerosene to the fire.